Personal Financial Planning

For Physicians & Their Families


We provide unbiased personal financial planning for physicians and their families.

We believe all of our caregivers deserve to be cared for, not taken advantage of.

We are focused on physicians because their unique situation requires specialized financial planning advice.

Inspired by Direct Primary Care Physicians

Our business model is inspired by Direct Primary Care physicians who choose to spend more time with patients and provide the best care possible by eliminating the inherent conflicts and inefficiencies of accepting health insurance.

Invented by The Mayo Clinic

Strategic Alliances

We are connected to hundreds of thousands of physicians and offer them conflict-free personal financial planning and coaching.

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Meet the Team

  • Brian Case, CFP®

    Co-Founder & CEO

  • Jerry Schreibstein, MD, WMCP®


  • Trent Scott, CFP®

    Senior Financial Planner

  • Jonathan Moss, MBA, FHFMA


  • Anders Apgar, MD
